Poor demand and downward price of epichlorohydrin

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, as of May 16th, the average price quoted by epoxy chloropropane enterprises was 8075.00 yuan/ton, a decrease of 1.52% compared to last Thursday’s price.


Recently, the market price of epichlorohydrin has fallen. At this stage, the price of raw material propylene first rises and then falls, while the price of raw material liquid chlorine mainly falls. The raw material glycerol runs weakly and steadily, and the cost face has limited impact on the market of epichlorohydrin. The support for terminal demand is weak, and downstream follow-up on epichlorohydrin is not good. The main focus is on digesting inventory, and small orders are selected for low demand buying. The market transaction atmosphere is not high, and due to the impact of some device restart plans, the mentality of operators is under pressure. Enterprises are actively shipping, and the focus of negotiations in the epichlorohydrin market is downward.


Raw material propylene:


According to the commodity market analysis system of Shengyishe, on May 15th, the reference price of propylene was 6818.60, an increase of 0.26% compared to May 1st (6800.60). Recently, the price of raw material propylene has risen first and then fallen, providing continued support for the epichlorohydrin market.


Main downstream epoxy resin: According to the commodity market analysis system of Shengyishe, the reference price of epoxy resin on May 15th was 12833.33, a decrease of 0.26% compared to May 1st (12866.67), which lacks support for the epoxy chloropropane market.


Future Market Forecast:


According to analysts from Business Society, the current transaction atmosphere in the epichlorohydrin market is weak, and the short-term cost impact may be limited. Under the expectation of supply increment, there is no significant improvement in the demand side, and the mentality of operators is cautious and weak. It is expected that the epichlorohydrin market will continue to operate weakly in the short term, and more attention still needs to be paid to market news guidance.


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