Cost support for stable prices of acrylic esters

Recently, some domestic acrylic ester products have been significantly affected by domestic equipment maintenance and overseas exports, resulting in a tight market supply and an overall improvement in quantity and price. The overall market atmosphere is warm, with factories mainly delivering contracts and holders under less pressure to ship. The quotation is steadily running. Among them, the price of isooctyl acrylate has increased significantly, mainly due to the increase in upstream raw material prices, which has a certain impact on market prices


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

As of May 20th, the benchmark price of butyl acrylate in Shengyishe was 9400.00 yuan/ton, a decrease of -0.42% compared to the beginning of this month (9440.00 yuan/ton)


As of May 20th, the benchmark price of ethyl acrylate in Shengyishe was 9375.00 yuan/ton, which remained unchanged from the beginning of this month


As of May 20th, the benchmark price of isooctyl acrylate in Shengyishe was 12800.00 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.39% compared to the beginning of this month (12625.00 yuan/ton)


From the perspective of other products in the industry chain, the fluctuation range of acrylic acid prices is limited, mainly because, on the one hand, the price of raw material propylene has rebounded, with an average propylene market price of 6788.60 yuan/ton, an increase of -0.18% compared to the beginning of this month (6800.60 yuan/ton); The average market price of ethanol is 6050.00 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.62% compared to the beginning of this month (6012.50 yuan/ton); The average market price of n-butanol is 8133.33 yuan/ton, an increase of 3.83% compared to the beginning of this month (7833.33 yuan/ton); The average monthly price of isooctanol in the market is 9760.00 yuan/ton, which is an increase of 1.04% compared to the beginning of this month (9660.00 yuan/ton). The majority of alcohol market prices have risen this month, which is beneficial for supporting the acrylic ester market.


The downstream water reducing agent market for acrylic acid is maintaining stable operation, with some monomer production enterprises offering narrow fluctuations in prices. Downstream demand side is not highly sensitive to price, and cautious observation is mainly focused on receiving first-time demand. Early inventory digestion is slow, and it is expected that the monomer market will continue to maintain stable operation in the short term.


The downstream SAP industry of acrylic acid has experienced a phenomenon of oversupply but insufficient demand. This is because although SAP in China has a large production and exports, the product supply is mainly low-end products, and most high-end products need to be imported from countries such as Japan, which has dragged down the market. The SAP industry supply has a structural imbalance in supply characteristics. Currently, the price of acrylic acid in the northern market is relatively stable, and some major manufacturers in the East and South China markets have slightly increased their prices, but market transactions are still slow to follow up.


Overall, the current acrylic ester market is mainly affected by raw materials and downstream demand. Analysts from Business Society predict that the acrylic acid and ester market will continue to be dominated by supply and demand in the short term, and the price fluctuation space may be limited.

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