Recent DOP prices “go in three directions and retreat one”, the market of plasticizers in the future is weakening.

Price Trend

According to the monitoring data of business associations, DOP prices have gone up and down three times in recent years, the DOP market has been shaken and adjusted, and the overall DOP market is stable. As of August 9, the price of DOP in East China was 7266.67 yuan/ton, up 166.67 yuan/ton from 7100.00 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month, up 2.35%, down 21.01% from the same period last year.

II. Market Analysis

Product Analysis

As can be seen from the figure above, the recent adjustment of DOP external quotation shocks, the overall price shocks of plasticizer DOP external quotation remain stable, and the DOP market is limited. The price of DOP in China is 915 US dollars/ton, which is stable compared with last month’s. The price of DOP in Southeast Asia is 1185 US dollars/ton, which is 15 US dollars/ton compared with last week’s. The DOP equipment of plasticizer enterprises has increased, the supply is stable, and DOP transactions are mostly at low prices. The overall price of DOP plasticizer is stable and declining slightly in the future market. Fall.

Analysis of Industrial Chain
As for raw materials, the price of DOP raw material octanol has been rising and then stabilizing, while the price trend of phthalic anhydride has been rising and then falling, and the overall market of raw materials has been weakening. The weakness of raw material market affects the rise of DOP, and the decline of phthalic anhydride and octanol is less than that of DOP. DOP still has downward pressure in the future, but the downward pressure is weakened, and the market is expected to decline slightly after DOP.

sodium persulfate

On the downstream demand side, the recent price shock of PVC has fallen and the overall market of plasticizers has been negative. However, the market of PVC has picked up this week, while the demand for plasticizers has picked up somewhat, but the overall benefit is limited.

3. Future Market Forecast

Bai Jiaxin, a DOP data analyst at business associations, believes that raw material prices have a downward trend in the near future, and DOP costs in the future are falling. Downstream PVC futures have brought about a warming spot market, which has a positive impact on the downstream market of plasticizer DOP. However, the overall market of PVC is still weak compared with previous years, and the market benefits for plasticizers are limited. On the external market, DOP price volatility is stable, good for DOP is limited, bad pressure is general, overall DOP market is mixed, plasticizer market is weak, DOP price is expected to decline slightly in the future.

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